For my first placement, I have had the pleasure of working with MPP Tom Rakocevic. MPP Rakocevic is the Critic for Government and Consumer Services as well as Auto Insurance. He represents the riding of Humber River-Black Creek. MPP Rakocevic and his team have welcomed me with open arms and continue to expose me to a variety of responsibilities fundamental to their office.
I have enjoyed preparing speaking notes for MPP Rakocevic, drafting Member’s statements and the opportunity to engage with important stakeholders as it pertains to his community and legislative portfolios. My role includes community outreach and stakeholder relations, which have further developed my understanding of how politics works beyond theory. Moreover, due to my interest in communications, MPP Rakocevic’s office have encouraged me to take on numerous tasks such as writing newsletters, preparing social media strategies, editing media clips, and conducting research. It has been a privilege working with MPP Rakocevic and his office, and being able to learn about the history, local issues and strengths of his riding. Witnessing the balancing act of community work and legislative duties has been an amazing learning opportunity!
Highlights of my placement thus far include getting a behind the scenes look of an issue media presser, preparing MPP Rakocevic for a 1-hour lead in the House and spending time in his riding. A huge thank you to David Ros, MPP Rakocevic’s legislative assistant as well as his constituency staff Evelyn Boachie and Alida Troini for making my placement delightful.