My fall placement is with MPP Stan Cho. MPP Cho is a PC member representing the bustling, dynamic riding of Willowdale and serves as the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Finance.
Since the 2020 Ontario Budget, Ontario’s Action Plan: Protect, Support, Recover, was tabled on the second day of my placement, my first few weeks in MPP Cho’s office have been filled with work relating to Bill 229, the Budget Measures Bill. I have written members statements, speeches, remarks, and briefing materials to help prepare MPP Cho for House Duties, including Question Period debate of budget-related issues. Since MPP Cho is a member of the Standing Committee of Finance and Economic Affairs, I prepared briefing materials for committee meetings and assisted with deputations. Additionally, I participated in the post-budget tour in Markham and MPP Cho’s home riding of Willowdale, meeting with local businesses and nonprofit organizations to announce the new budget measures while learning how stakeholders are adapting to the pandemic. Meeting with local business owners, learning how their operations have been profoundly impacted by the pandemic, and hearing their innovative ideas and policy proposals has been a fascinating and eye-opening experience.
Though Bill 229 has now received royal assent, there is still a great deal of exciting work to be done in MPP Cho’s office. I am currently conducting research for a variety of policies surrounding insurance, and with the 2021 Budget right around the corner, I’ll be assisting the office as they prepare for the next round of pre-budget consultations.
Thank you to MPP Stan Cho, Ryan, Ashley, and David for warmly welcoming me to the team during this busy time! It's been a pleasure and privilege to work with and learn from all of you so far, and I look forward to continuing my placement with Team Cho!