The OLIP interns had the pleasure of visiting our partner RBC on their trading floor in downtown Toronto. We visited their Canadian headquarters and got an inside look into how Canadian banking works on such a large scale. During this visit we got to see our financial system in action and learn about the fast-paced environment of bank trading.
RBC is the largest bank in Canada and serves over 20 million customers across the world. They handle over $1 trillion in assets in over 2,000 branches. RBC is a major sponsor for many staples of Canadian arts and sports. They are a major partner of the iconic Toronto International Film Festival, the Olympic Games, and have partnered with the University of Toronto on many arts awards for students. We at OLIP are honoured to be on such a coveted list of partners and to support RBC’s philanthropic model to support innovative and creative programs that benefit Canadians.
We thank everyone who toured us through the building and for RBC’s continued support of OLIP. We are so grateful; the program would not be the same without your continued partnership.