We were pleased to have Malika, Executive Director of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance visit our office in May and learn about OUSA’s tireless advocacy for affordable, accessible, accountable, and high-quality postsecondary education.
Over 160,000 full and part-time university students, both professional and undergraduate, are represented by OUSA at nine student associations throughout Ontario. Their strategy for advocacy is centered on developing thoughtful, student-driven, and fact-based policy recommendations.
There is no one who better understands the priorities of postsecondary educations than the students themselves. We discussed the significance of student advocacy. As a microcosm of society at large, school politics teach students about the workings of a sustainable society that prioritizes respect for human rights, dialogue, and cooperation among peers. Students gain this knowledge by speaking out for the changes they want to see, collaborating with teachers, parents, and leaders, and cooperating with one another.
We are grateful for our new partnership with Malika and the OUSA. We are looking forward to many successful endeavours!