The OLIP interns were excited to meet Ryan Clarke, the Executive Director of Advocacy at Noviscend.
Noviscend manufactures and delivers medical equipment with a vision to accelerate access and adopt leading edge innovative medical products and technologies in the Canadian market. Their goal is to ensure that patients have access to the growing wealth of innovative medical products available on the global market. One of the highlights of the OLIP experience is meeting with our partners across various fields and industries, and this meeting was no exception – Noviscend plays a unique role in the medical industry!
In addition to learning about Noviscend’s work, it was a pleasure to hear about Mr. Clarke’s time at Queen’s Park working in a Minister’s office. It was interesting to hear about how things have changed at the Legislature, and to learn about the inner workings of Ministers’ offices. It was also exciting to learn about Mr. Clarke’s career in advocacy and lobbying after leaving Queen’s Park. We appreciated his willingness to share his knowledge and skills with us.
Thank you to Mr. Clarke for taking the time to join us, and to Noviscend for your ongoing support of OLIP.