The OLIP interns recently had the privilege of meeting Ontario’s newest Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Edith Dumont. She is Ontario’s 30th Lieutenant Governor, and the first Franco-Ontarian to hold the role.
We discussed her installation ceremony, her recent transition into the role, and the highlights and challenges she has found so far. She shared the heartwarming story of how she received the news that she was selected as the Lieutenant Governor, and she was remarkably humble and joyful in her retelling. Her Honour shared that the most enjoyable aspect of the role so far has been hosting award ceremonies. She noted just how special and meaningful it is to recognize Ontarians across the province for their dedication to making Ontario a better place, and how much pride there is in witnessing individuals and their families celebrate their achievements. Her Honour also discussed her priorities for her upcoming term as Lieutenant Governor, mainly education, climate change, reconciliation, women’s empowerment, and la Francophonie. Her Honour’s passion for democracy was evident in the meeting, and she reminded us of the importance of staying engaged with our communities.
Her Honour kindly also gave us a tour of her apartment, including her private office! We enjoyed learning about the art she selected for her space and understanding the meaning behind each piece. Her parting advice to us was to stay true to ourselves; if we are authentic to who we are, we will be able to lead fulfilling and meaningful careers.
Thank you, your Honour, for meeting with us and sharing your insight. We wish you the best in your term as Lieutenant Governor!