We had the privilege of meeting with the Auditor General of Ontario, Bonnie Lysyk, as well as her Strategic and Operations Advisor, Kristy May. The Auditor General is one of the Independent Officers of the Legislature, and it was a pleasure to meet with Ms. Lysyk to hear about the important work that her office does. The Auditor General and her office act to advise the Legislature on spending and business practices, and to confirm public services are provided in an economical and efficient manner.
Being in the ninth year of her ten-year term as Auditor General, Ms. Lysyk is experienced and knowledgeable about her role as well as Ontario’s finances in general. Our meeting with her gave us a much broader understanding of the important work her office performs for the province. The Office of the Auditor General performs Value-for-Money audits on provincially funded organizations such as school boards, hospitals, ministries, universities and more, every year. These organizations are then monitored so that in two years' time, follow-up reports can ensure the recommendations made in value-for-money audits are followed. Additionally, these organizations are monitored for five years to ensure recommended changes are adhered to.
The Auditor General’s office also examines Ontario’s Public Accounts, and many Crown agencies for financial audit statements. They also examine whether Ontario’s ministries are meeting the requirements of the Environmental Bill of Rights, examine Ontario’s financial Pre-Election report, perform special audits and are involved with the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.
Our meeting with Ms. Lysyk and Ms. May was informative and enjoyable, we would like to reiterate our gratitude for their support and for taking the time to meet with us.