I was fortunate to work with the incredible team in the Parliamentary Protocol and Public Relations Branch. I was initially intrigued by the education and visitor services the branch provided and enjoyed conducting research and providing feedback on educational programs for special holidays throughout the year.
I found work that I was passionate about after being introduced to the protocol team. I had the opportunity to support interesting protocols such as flag raisings, diplomatic visits, half-masts, and tributes. Being able to observe, assist with tasks, and ensure a successful event was very rewarding and invaluable. Delegations from other parliaments and countries visit the Speaker and the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to strengthen our relationship and share best practices between parliaments. I appreciated researching and learning about international and interparliamentary relations, as well as associations that are formed to maintain these relationships.
I’d like to thank Debi, Eric, Rosemary and Sarah for providing me with such an amazing opportunity and for making me feel like a part of the team. I was inspired to contribute to the incredible work that they do to ensure our legislature operates. I had a vast range of responsibilities and was happy to have had such a fruitful and fun experience.