The OLIP Interns met with David Arbuckle and Stephen O’Brien from the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO). Mr. Arbuckle is the Director of AMCTO and Mr. O’Brien is the General Manager at the City Clerk’s Office in Guelph.
Mr. Arbuckle and Mr. O’Brien were very gracious with their time, allowing us the opportunity to ask a variety of questions, including how best to get involved in politics at the municipal level. We discussed what services Municipalities provide to their citizens, and how some of these services can be limited by the provinces that they are governed by, making municipalities “creatures of the province!”
Our conversation was particularly interesting to several interns in the group who already have work or research experience at the municipal level, and very enriching for those of us who have not yet had the opportunity! Mr. Arbuckle and Mr. O’Brien left a mark on the group, opening our minds further to the world of municipalities! We thank them for coming all the way down to Toronto to talk to us!