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  • csimon83

Our Meeting with Lex Gill

The OLIP Interns were happy to have the chance to meet Lex Gill. Having clerked for the Right Honourable Chief Justice Richard Wagner, Ms. Gill is especially passionate about appellate litigation and public interest advocacy. Now, she works at Trudel Johnston and Lespérance as a lawyer, is a fellow at Citizen Lab supporting research on freedom of expression and privacy, and teaches at McGill University’s Faculty of Law.

In our meeting with her, we spoke about her passion for privacy, environmental, and human rights law and the evolving nature of technology law. She explained the significant role the Charter plays in advancing basic human rights in Canada, and the ways core principles in the Charter can be expanded upon to speak to new and emerging privacy issues. Finally, we discussed how she continues to find new outlets for her passion, including working at the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

For us, this meeting served to provide fantastic insight into the field of privacy law and the various ways one can cultivate one's passion for advocacy. We would like to give a big thank you to Ms. Gill for taking the time to speak with us and share some excellent advice!

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