The OLIP interns had a fabulous time meeting with Katie Preiss, the Director of Federal Government Relations at Telus. An alumnus of OLIP, Katie shared how her time in OLIP prepared her for a career as a political staffer and then in government relations.
We found it interesting to hear her perspective about the private sector, especially how it compares to working in the public sector. We also found it particularly fascinating to learn generally about the government relations industry and to hear Katie’s advice if interested in it as a career path.
Katie generously discussed the work that Telus does. For many of the interns, we did not know that Telus additionally operates as a communication software for health agencies and does work in the agricultural field. We enjoyed learning about Telus’ relationship with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission and how consumer pricing is currently one of the main issues in the telecommunications sector. Katie also provided immense insight into how she influences provincial and federal telecommunications policy, including how she strategizes both with government officials and other telecommunications companies to reach their desired policy outcomes.
Thank you, Katie, for having such a candid discussion with us, it was both delightful and informative!